Contact me

Do you have a pressing question for me? Want me to recommend a beer to drink during a trip to Argentina or fancy meeting up during one of my next trips?

I’m always keen to chat to my readers and like to think of Hillardsbeer as one big community. As most people do, they like to hear feedback. So do I! If you give me feedback, then that is a great way I can improve my site for you. So if you have anything to say to me, let me know using the contact form below.

Have you experienced any technical difficulties? Let me know! I need to know what is wrong with my site so I can improve whatever has happened. So, if you do experience any problems, use the form.

If you have anything else to say then I will take time to listen. Maybe it is a question about beer or a recommendation for the best beer. I am the person you can talk to

From suggestions to new blogs I can feature to giving me your own travel and drinking tips, I want to hear from you! It is always good to hear from my readers. All suggestions are welcome to my site!

If you are looking to submit a guest post, then please contact me! I want to hear your stories and experiences with the best beers around. If you want to write for us, then let me know. You can visit our guest post page on our site to find out anymore information. Guest posting is always the best opportunity for you as a writer and a blogger.

Simply fill in the form below and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

I do look forward to talking to you!
