Why Travelling Never Gets Tiring

It’s a question most of us travellers get from the parents, going something like “You’ve only just got back and you’re already talking about your next trip. Don’t you want to stop and have a bit of a rest?”

The truth is it never gets tired — it never gets boring, this travelling thing and while I can understand the older generation’s point of view in asking that question, at the same time I truly believe that the manner in which they were brought up is very different from ours. Most of the travellers our parents’ age start travelling for the very first time once retired — by that I mean they start really travelling, not taking that mandatory one vacation which they can only go on once a year, after saving up for it. You take a cruise and a lot of the passengers are retirees who get tired just sitting around.

With our generation we were challenged to look beyond the convention of going to school, getting a qualification after that, working for the next forty or so years of your life and then retiring with some good savings that afford you some extended travels. Our generation has been taught to question just about everything and see if we can’t come up with the best way of doing it and the prospect of only travelling once you’re old and tired (excuse me) doesn’t quite make sense as the best way to explore the world.

We want to explore the world while we’re young and able — while we still have all the energy to immerse ourselves in all which each destination we’re visiting has to offer and that’s part of the reason why travelling just never gets tiring.


The other part of the reason is that there is just so much of the world to see and so many different experiences to enrich oneself with, so as much as you do get physically tired at times, you learn to rest, not quit! Rory is the perfect example of that belief as he’s resigned himself to his erratic sleeping patterns when we’re on the go. For the life of me, I don’t understand why he simply can’t fall asleep inside an aircraft — it doesn’t matter how long the flight is or how tired he is, he simply can’t get himself to fall asleep on a flight. So whenever we arrive at our destination he passes out for about 18 hours at times, after which time it’s go, go, go!

Your body learns to adjust as well and you sort of work out a way to navigate physical tiredness, otherwise the mind of a traveller never gets tired and never gets tired of travelling in particular, no matter how many flights you’ve missed, how long you’ve been delayed during a layover or how much your more sensible side longs for a bit more stability.

It sure never gets tiring and thinking about my own situation, if I had an endless stream of money, many people who claim to love me would be lucky to see me once every couple of years or so.

The only real inspiration with regards to travelling you might find yourself short on is that of trying to figure out where to go next. For the true traveller, such inspiration can come from anywhere, even from the unlikeliest of sources, like perhaps when you’re shopping online for that next pair of running sunglasses you compare some suggestions from a platform which discusses them in full detail, including where they are manufactured and where they sell the most units as a possible destination to explore. This sort of unlikely inspiration can perhaps be found on a platform such as RunnerClick.com. It’s all about how you look at it – how you apply that traveller’s perspective to all media you consume.
