Why Paddleboard Fishing Yields Better Catches

Fishermen (and women) who cast the lines for a bit of leisure fishing and those who cast the net for commercial fishing, probably take great pride in investing in something like a small fishing trawler. They probably take greater pride in being able to take it out for yet another cruise, but for all that any traditional fishing boat offers, it can have one issue.

That major flaw is its size, especially if you’re either just fishing for your dinner or as a living. fishing boats definitely have their advantages, like if you want to go a little deeper out to see or deeper out on a lake. Moreover, people fishing for a hobby may need to enjoy a complete experience, for which Costa Rica fishing charters or boats could do the trick. But for fishers who’ve tried paddleboard fishing, the general sentiment is that it yields a better catch. What is the reason for this though?

Compact size

Paddle boarding enthusiasts tend to review paddleboards according to their performance as deployed in their leisurely capacity. One paddle board enthusiast has taken the liberty to review them in their capacity for a very specific activity, which is fishing. So the best fishing paddle boards according to Tom are reviewed and ranked according to their potential for great performance in reeling in the fish, with many consideration points explored in detail. However, one common theme among the best of these is their size range, which firmly puts them in the compact size bracket.

That’s pretty much the reason behind paddle board fishing yields better catches, and by “better” we’re referring to higher quality, healthier and tastier fish as opposed to purely the quantity of the fish you can get.

Quantity does indeed come into effect, because when you’re out on a paddle board, chances are you’re either fly-fishing or just bait-fishing with a singular rod as opposed to a net.

The compact size of the vessel offsets any evolutionary defence mechanisms seemingly developed by all manner of different fish species. For instance, a large vessel, such as a traditional trawler, with its roaring engine, casts a pretty big shadow under the surface of the water and could assume the shape and size of a natural predator to the fish beneath the surface.

A purpose-built fishing paddle boat on the other hand is much smaller and doesn’t appear as ominous to the fish you’re looking to catch. Moreover, resources like www.catchingtimes.com or similar websites can come in handy to learn about the best time to catch fish. You can get information on when a group of fish will be near the water’s surface or in shallow waters, and with a paddle board, your chances of catching a large number of fish can increase considerably.

The compact nature of fishing paddle boards also allows fishers to venture into some waters that are otherwise not accessible by traditional means, such as some of the little finger-like split streams that engulf islands forming at a delta. If it’s someplace like that which has river meeting sea, mangrove-eating fish make for some high-quality catches which cannot be found anywhere else.

The range of specialised fishing paddle boards available at supboard99.de offer some great, purpose-built options, all of which add a new dynamic to any fisher’s forays, by perhaps allowing them to explore interesting waters like those of meandering rivers and those streams which are much too narrow and remote for a riverbed setup or a fishing boat.
