Virtual Reality Slots and Casinos Explained

Technology is constantly changing and we all have to move with it if we don’t want to get left behind.  Advancements in technology are felt right across the board and affect our lives, whether it’s in our homes or at work, or in our leisure activities that we choose to pursue. It has also made gambling easier, where players can easily access their casino sites – check out

Everyday household items such as televisions and computers are a great example of how quickly technology moves. In fact, it’s advancing so fast that these items can quickly become obsolete. 

The Gambling Industry and Technology

One industry that has embraced new technology is the gambling industry and this has seen it go from strength to strength. In fact, it is experiencing a sustained period of growth that was only made possible by the industry moving online. The gambling world is always eager to exploit new technology and the internet was a perfect platform for them to do so.

1996 The Year Of Change

In 1996 the first online casino was launched and it offered traditional table games to its customers. However, the first virtual video slot was also ready to be unleashed upon the gambling public and these video slots eventually formed the perfect partnership with online casinos. Online casinos slowly began to fill with these games as this gambling craze took the industry by storm and more and more slots slowly became accessible to the masses. For the first time ever, punters could gamble on a wide range of slot games in the comfort of their own homes totally anonymously.

A New Age Of Gambling For A New Audience

This new gambling attraction of slots and online casinos appealed to a new cliental and some were new to gambling altogether. In fact, people started gambling from all corners of society and this included a large number of women. With all these new consumers in place, and their game of choice being slots, games developers had to appeal to a broader and more sophisticated audience than ever before. This only boosted the creativity of slots developers as they pushed the creative boundaries to appeal to the new and ever growing slots playing audience. Eventually, most gambling brands moved segments of their operations online. Software and game developers began to specialize in slots to meet the demands of online casino customers.

 Future Prospects

The next logical step for slots to take is to move into the realms of virtual reality. The future of entertainment is all about full immersion and this includes gaming. An early example of the future of gambling came in the form of an app called Riftcasino. This software allowed punters to walk through a 3D virtual casino. They could even try out slot games that needed the player to fully interact with them. The slots were controlled by arm and hand actions but the gambling element was not present. SlotsMillion remedied this and was one of the first casinos to offer players the chance to gamble with real cash in a virtual casino setting.
