From the roulette tables and slots machines which send your pulse racing at the prospect of winning big in a casino to the tranquil, white sandy beaches of warm, palm tree lined ocean at which to top up your tan and take the occasional dip in the sea, a lot of the fun you have pertaining to your travels comes in the form of just sitting back and thinking back on all the experiences you had. While you’re on vacation things can sometimes go by very quickly, but it all comes back to you and the effects really kick in when you’re reminiscing or when you’re telling someone about your trip.
There’s always a longing to go back though — a longing which is often partially satisfied by perhaps flicking through all the pictures you shot to preserve the special memories or indeed just reading up about the experiences of other people who’ve perhaps been to the same destination you’ve been to.
All of that suggests that there simply must be a much more official or formalised way of simulating all the travelling fun you might like to have further but perhaps don’t have the funds to pursue. And there is.
Well, the technology around being able to simulate some travelling fun to your heart’s content is very much still developing, but some of it is already advanced enough to have you really enjoying the experience and getting lost in the moment, if only for a little while.
Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, 3-D Tech and Live Streaming
All of these come together to at least keep your wanderlust in check while you’re busy going about your daily grind to be able to afford your next trip and they do a pretty good job of it if you take the time to learn how to use them properly and really get to grips with their individual and joint power.
For some casino fun which can have you transported across oceans to some of your favourite casinos in the entire world, engage in some live games such as the very wide range of these offered via the Genting Casino. Trust me, it’s like being right there because of the live streaming element. All you have to do is organise some drinks and perhaps some friends to join you and you’ll complete the experience and forget for a while that you’re actually right at home.
Virtual Reality and its younger brother (Augmented Reality) come together with 3-D modelling and 3-D photography to all but completely reduce the distance between where you are and where you want to be, even if where you want to be is someplace you’ve been before and you want to go back. This combination of visual stimuli tech is getting so advanced that you can have the full experience of any destination by just putting on a pair of special glasses and plugging into what is a growing collection of content produced just for the simulation of travelling fun.
Give it a few years and it’ll perhaps be the next big thing, but for now the tech is already available.