Top 3 Don’ts When Throwing a Party

Well, it’s now the beginning of a new year and many of us are still suffering slight hangovers from the New Year’s celebrations we attended. A few us are still celebrating. Unfortunately, there were several arrests, wrecks with injuries, and cases of alcohol poisoning and overdoses.

There are a few rules to live by that could have prevented all of the above. We as the human races love to push the limits. It has put us into space, moved us across the oceans at the speed of sound, and lowered war casualties.

As true as that is, though, there comes a time when we push too far. One of the instances we tend to do that in is our consumption of alcohol. By all means, there are definitely occasions to party, but below are a few suggestions that might make things a little safer the next time you decide to throw one.

Don’t Mix Alcohol and Drugs

If you have ever been the victim of a this concoction, you know that in certain circles, it is not only cool, but sort of a badge of honor. However, there is great danger in the mix of the two. For example, if you mix the most common drug, marijuana, which is viewed as the safest drug, and any kind of alcohol, you are making a depressant and stimulant compete for the use of your central nervous system. Therefore, before consuming marijuana, it might be essential to understand its usage and limitations. In order to gain an understanding of the world of marijuana, you might want to visit websites like

This puts horrible stress on your body. Alcohol can also make your body absorb THC faster, making that skunk weed up to three times more potent. As much as some would like to think you can’t overdose on pot, this just isn’t the case. If you decide to mix something like heroine with alcohol, with both being depressants, you risk shutting down your body altogether. So, not only are drugs illegal, they can turn that party into a hospital stay or a funeral rather quickly. Don’t do it.

Don’t Party Without a Sober Supervisor

As we stated earlier, there are great reasons to throw a good party. New Year’s Eve, a 40th birthday, a soldier’s homecoming, or graduating from college are all nice reasons for throwing a little caution to the wind. With that said, having a sober supervisor can prevent all kinds of problems.

The sober supervisor (SS) is different from the designated driver, although they can perform that job, as well. The SS is responsible for collecting everyone’s keys at the door, making sure everyone is of legal drinking age, and is also the bartender. This means that when he/she says you’ve had enough, you’re done drinking for the evening.

Choosing a person to complete this task should be done at least a few days before, when everyone is sober, and it should be agreed upon that if you can not submit your keys and some respect to the chosen one, you don’t need to attend.

Do Not Allow Under Age Participants

The prospect of giving an underage person alcohol, knowing the damage it could cause, is just plain stupid. There is no other way to put that. There is a legal drinking age for a reason. Anyone under that age is not viewed as mature enough to handle the consequences, physically or otherwise.

Not only could you share your part in the responsibility of the death or injury of another human being, you could place yourself in a whole lot of legal trouble, as well. An adult responsible for giving alcohol to a minor can be cited, arrested, fined, sentenced to community service, or jailed for up to 6 months.

On top of all that, you will risk being evicted from your home should your landlord catch wind of your illegal activities. Giving alcoholic beverages to a minor isn’t even worth it for the selfish people.

In the end, party on Wayne! Party on Garth! But do it responsibly!!
