The Biggest Mistakes People Make With Alcohol And How To Avoid Them

Alcohol is something which is manageable when consumed in moderation. However, the vast majority of people in the world are unable to find a happy medium with their drinking. When it comes to having a good time, they don’t know their limits.

Alcohol is something that can give you a far worse than just a headache when abused. You can lose your job, you can ruin relationships, and you can seriously hurt yourself or someone else. Therefore it’s essential to know some of the most important things to avoid when you’re drinking.

Here are some of the biggest mistakes people make with alcohol and what you can do to avoid them.

Drunk Driving

Although most people know that not only is drinking and driving illegal, but it’s incredibly dangerous. If you manage not to kill yourself or someone else you will minimally find yourself having to hire a lawyer. You may even be facing possible jail time.

Save yourself the trouble of having to fight a DUI and get a cab. It may cost you an extra 30 or 40 dollars, but it’s a lot cheaper than the fines you pay for driving under the influence.

If a cab is out of the question, then consider sleeping where you are, or asking a friend to pick you up. Any option is better than getting behind the wheel drunk. If you are not aware of the consequences that a drunk driving charge can have, then visit a reputed lawyer’s website ( to gain more information about it. Whatever the case, it is not a situation that you would want to be in, although there are lawyers who can help you out if you do get tangled in a mess.

Mixing With Medication

If you’ve ever seen a label that says “do not mix with alcohol” written on the back of a medicine box, it’s there for a good reason. Not only can mixing alcohol with medication often cancel its effects, but in some cases, it can even increase the effects.

Mixing your medication with painkillers, for example, can be a lethal combination. Always talk to your doctor about what medications you should avoid when drinking.

Drinking At Company Parties

Although it may seem totally innocent to have a glass of wine at a company event, things can turn sour quickly. All it takes is a few extra glasses of wine to set you over the edge. Before you know it, you could find yourself completely humiliating yourself and even jeopardizing your job.

As a general rule of thumb, it’s best not to mix alcohol with your profession. If you absolutely must have a drink at your company event, have one glass and leave.

Calling Your Ex

Alcohol has a funny way of making you feel like it’s a great idea to do something stupid. Even though it may feel like the perfect time to rekindle things with your ex, you’re probably going to regret your 7-minute voicemail in the morning. Wise people know that after a few drinks, their phones should go deep in their pocket.
