Being Responsible with Your Alcohol Consumption

If I must be honest on behalf of all alcohol consumers pretty much everywhere in the world, the very idea of being responsible with your alcohol indulgence is perhaps a paradox, because we all know that with each pint you knock back you tend to lose a little bit more of your ability to make responsible decisions. It’s a tricky situation indeed, but one which can be navigated nevertheless and it all starts with what you do in preparation before you actually start indulging.

Do I lie? The warm glow of wine or that buzz you get from drinking beer is like a snow-ball. It starts out small and perhaps innocent, but with each glass that you knock-back something within you just says that you should keep going. Subsequently, there’s a fine line between knowing when to say “enough is enough” and giving in to what at the time seems to be the good idea to knock back just one more for good measure.

Before too long you wake up with a hangover from the devil himself and you don’t even know just how you made it home and into your bed. It’s the longest couple of minutes searching around for your keys so that you can go outside to see if your car is fine and unfortunately many people recite such stories with an element of inexplicable pride.

If this is something which happens in your life then you need to put into place some measures which will make sure you are responsible with your alcohol consumption. It’s had enough finding yourself in trouble with the law locally for drunken driving, but just imagine having to deal with a DUI charge in a faraway land such as the U.S.A where such charges are extremely serious, even if you’ve not been involved in an accident or something of that sort. Needless to say that getting charged once with such an offence is enough to get you a criminal record, be it in your locality or in the USA, let alone getting arrested a second time for the same thing. That is why being responsible while consuming alcohol could be a good idea, as compared to getting arrested numerous times due to driving under the influence. If you are still not convinced, then hear this: In places like Arizona, USA, getting arrested for the first time might invite a heavy penalty. And in the event that the same individual is charged with a second dui in Arizona, he/she will not only pay hefty fines but might also face a long jail time. So, you can decide for yourself if getting charged with a felony crime is what you want or if learning how to be drinking responsibly is something that you might give a shot.

Be Your Own Guardian Angel

There are many ways through which drinking can get you into trouble, but I think we can all agree that the biggest of this trouble you can get into is that of a legal kind. So if you’re going to take some measures to prevent any such trouble from ensuing, this is the direction in which you should look.

This would mean that you could perhaps resolve not to drive while under the influence, even if you are confident your impending drinking session won’t have you crossing the legal alcohol limit. That is indeed where the problem lies, isn’t it? What can start out as having the intention to just enjoy one or two beers can quickly turn into a full-on drunken state, at which point your ability to make responsible decisions like deciding not to drive is severely impaired. If anything you perhaps feel more confident and courageous when you’re drunk, so I mean “of course you can drive while you’re drunk, as the inner advanced driver you in actual fact are at that!” However, keep in mind that there is a thin line between you can and you should. While it is true that you can drive under influence, deciding not to would be considered sensible. It would ensure that you don’t end up behind bars for a DUI, which could require tending by reputed Fort Worth criminal defense lawyers, (or wherever you are based for that matter). It would also ensure that you are not putting your or others’ lives at risk.

Leave your car keys at home and rather take an Uber so that your courageous drunken self has absolutely no chance of leading you down the path of potential destruction and plan ahead in this way.
