Preserving Your New Car Smell

Your car will probably never smell as good as the day you drove it off the lot. Plenty of chemical companies have tried to mimic the scent by way of air fresheners and scented wipes for you car. The authentic smell is hard to replicate. So how can you preserve the smell for as long as possible?

The website is full of helpful advice and tricks to keep your car clean and in great condition. One topic often discussed includes life hacks for keeping your vehicle in close to pristine condition. Keeping your vehicle clean and without any competing odors present is probably the best way to keep the new car smell intact. Be sure to remove anything that’s potentially smelly from your vehicle as soon as you stop and get out. This goes for leftover food, garbage, drinks, gym bags, groceries, pet items, sports equipment, and more. Make it a practice to take everything with you every time you get out of the car for the day. You may want to keep it under wraps too, this could be with a tarp to protect it from the outside elements or you might think about putting it in your garage. If you do not have a garage, you could speak to some local metal building contractors to see about having one built for you so you know that it is being kept clean and safe on your property.

Another hack for keeping your car clean is to keep a small trash can in it with a scented liner. Your car maybe lose some of the new car smell and begin to smell more like the scented liner while it’s inside. The only way the trash can hack really works is if you commit to emptying regularly and only use it for paper waste and other items that are practically odorless.

You’ll also want to be sure to clean all the surfaces in your car regularly. Clean the dash with Armor Oil, condition the seats with leather conditioner or vacuum if you have cloth seats, clean the windows with glass cleaner and vacuum the floors. A clean car smell is almost as good as a new car smell. You can also opt to introduce new car scented products into your vehicle which will come close to the original smell.
