Make Mine a Vape — Cheers!

Not many people remember the days when you could light up and smoke your heart out in pubs and bars just about anywhere, including in cinemas and on planes. Since legislation came in in most countries years ago that banned smoking in public places, smokers have been forced to stand outside in lonely groups and in all weathers as they get their nicotine fix before heading back in and joining their friends, reeking of tobacco.

Smoking has just become so socially unacceptable, as people are now generally aware of the real health risks and not just to smokers but also those around them. Second-hand smoke, such as what used to linger in dank clouds over bars, is responsible for killing around 1.2 million people around the world every year, adding to a grim overall annual global death toll of 8 million. Yet, surprisingly, up until recently, in some places you could still puff away indoors and you’d be perfectly entitled to.

This included tourist cities like Prague, capital of the Czech Republic, for instance. There, it’s long been common to walk into bars and restaurants and see your fellow punters puffing away, and it’s a similar smoking story in other Eastern European nations – although the Czechs have now banned indoor smoking, there are moves to overturn the law. For the most part, however, it’s certainly not permitted to smoke in public areas and you’ll not only run into trouble with the law if you do but possibly with your pals too.

Vapes Are Ale You Need

For smokers and even those who have quit, the urge to have a cigarette can often be strongest when you’re in a social setting and having a few drinks. You’re relaxed, happy, and would just love to light up and have that nicotine buzz all over again. But you know you shouldn’t, and that your friends or family would frown on it, and so you just sit there, feeling decidedly uncomfortable until the craving passes and you can settle down again.

Heavy and perhaps also casual smokers may not be able to resist the smoking temptation, however, and may light up outside during nights out. There’s a far better alternative they can reach for, if they’re willing to make a move to improve their health and get off unhealthy tobacco, and it comes in the form of the e-cigarette. With something like a vape pen, they can get the same tactile feel as a tobacco cigarette while getting as much nicotine as they want but avoiding the toxic cocktail of cancer-causing chemicals given off by burning tobacco.

Vape and Beer Happy

Health authorities now tell us that vaping is almost completely harmless compared to smoking – “at least 95% less harmful, and of negligible risk to bystanders” – and this is great news for smokers everywhere who wish to finally try to give up smoking while also getting the nicotine they desire. And nicotine is often little understood and perceived to be one of the harmful elements of cigarettes, but actually, it’s relatively benign, if nevertheless addictive.

If you are making the switch from cigarettes to vapes, you need to be mindful of a few things including what kind of a vaporizer can suit your needs the best. There are several types depending on the heating methods and temperature control. You need to learn about them (perhaps by visiting the website of Hemp Staff). Moreover, while purchasing a vape, you also need to consider your budget. Remember that the cost of vapes largely depends on their functionality and outlook. However, there is another important factor that you need to consider while buying these devices– vape juice you’re going to use. They come with various levels of nicotine in them – low, medium and high – as well as none, and in a huge and growing array of flavors. So if you’re a heavy smoker, for instance, and you opt for a low-nicotine vape juice, chances are you’re not going to be satisfied and may return to smoking. A casual smoker should opt for a low-nicotine vape juice in case they feel queasy or even ill from too much in a high-strength one.

Now, when you’re with your pals this summer, at the beach, by the pool, having a BBQ – you can vape away instead of smoking, knowing you’re not harming yourself or those around you. You can drink to that.
