How to Organize a Team-Building Activity

No matter what kind of business you’re running, you need a cohesive team. The only problem is, a good team doesn’t just happen. As a business owner, you would require the right amount of resource allocation and talent recognition skills to find the right fit. So, if you want everyone in your company to work like a well-oiled machine, you have to help improve communication and collaboration in your business. And is there a better way to do this than to organize a team-building activity? However, if you’ve never run this type of activity before, things could be tricky. To help you make sure everything goes well, we came up with a guide for organizing a successful team-building activity.

Set goals

Before you start organizing your team-building activity, you have to put some thought into what you want to achieve. After all, there’s no point in doing all this work without knowing what your goals are. Do you want to strengthen the bonds between your employees? Or maybe you plan to launch a new product and you want every team member to be prepared for it? Figure out why you’re organizing your team-building activities and the entire process will be a lot easier. Also, your team members deserve to know what the intent of the activity is. Just bear in mind that this doesn’t mean you need to give away all your secrets about it.

Have everyone participate

The key to organizing a good team-building activity is to have everyone participate. Playing basketball or running a race sure sounds intriguing, but you need to keep in mind that not every member of your team might be up for the challenge. This would only leave them feeling left out, which is exactly the opposite of what the activity should be all about. So, when planning your activity, you need to consider everyone’s preferences and personal sensitivities. The good news is, there’s a wide variety of activities you can opt for and you’ll be guaranteed to find something accessible for everyone.

Go offsite

Depending on what your company does, chances are your employees spend a large part of their days in the office. This is exactly why a team-building activity should include going offsite and getting some fresh air. Organize your activity outdoors and you’ll get a chance to see how your team members act in an environment outside the office. And there’s no reason why you shouldn’t promote your company when you’re already outside. Get quality promotional hats and make sure everyone in your team wears one until the activity is over.

Consider volunteering

If you want to build a better team and do something nice along the way, volunteering is the way to go. Not only that this type of activity can help your employees get to know each other better but it also allows you to give back to the community. Volunteering is also a foolproof way to ensure everyone feels positive about the activity and is ready to repeat it. To get it underway, you should browse the web for local charities your business can join. We should also note that this will help you attract more customers as people now prefer buying from companies that care about others.

Ask for feedback

Unfortunately, not every team-building activity ends up being successful. And in case your activity fails, it’s very important that you understand what didn’t work and what you need to change for your next team-building activity. And there’s hardly a better way to do this than to thank all the participants and ask them to send you detailed feedback on the activity. Analyze all the feedback you get and come up with a list of things you need to change for the next time. It’s recommended to collect feedback in email form so you can compare every message you get.

Final thoughts

Are team-building activities worth all the hassle? Studies say yes and following our guide will help you organize a successful activity everyone in your team will love. Just bear in mind that more than 30% of office workers say they didn’t enjoy the team-building activity their employer came up with. With that said, it’s obvious that you need to put a lot of time and resources into it if you want your team-building activity to be a success.resource allocation
