Fun, Free Holiday Activities to Save Some Money With


Okay, so I’m going to try and actually list some of these free and fun holiday activities you can save money with, but I guess it’s actually somewhat of a skill to find and engage in holiday activities which are free and yet still make for a lot of serious fun. So in addition to listing some of these activities, I’ll also go through what is the process of being able to find some free and fun holiday activities which will save you lots of money.

Hit the beach

I mean — is there any better way to enjoy your vacation than to get a feel for the breakers? This is fun regardless of the fact that it costs nothing, but obviously you’d have to visit a public beach, which is really often not all that different to a private beach, bar for the seclusion a private beach perhaps offers.

Join locals going about their daily business

I always love to use the example of asking to join fishermen on the latest of their daily fishing excursion to drive this point home. Fishing is fun, whether it’s commercial or subsistent and makes for just one of many examples of joining locals as they go about their daily business to enjoy an activity which they probably see as nothing but work.


Walking sightseeing tours

Walking sightseeing tours are the best because you often wander into some of those corners which aren’t in the tour guides and enjoy some of the regular, everyday activities locals themselves often enjoy quite thoroughly.

The art of uncovering fun, free holiday activities

This is really just a matter of making enquiries — not necessarily searching online because nobody really takes the time and effort to post anything online unless they have some sort of financial gain to get out of it. Talk to a farmer for instance and ask them if they offer horse rides, something which you would be “willing to pay for next time around,” but don’t quite have the budget for at present.

Okay, so perhaps this approach won’t always have you enjoying fun holiday activities completely free, but if you can manage to pay as little as 10% for a certain activity then that’s just about as free as it can get sometimes. Think group savings packages with which you can perhaps convince a squad of other people to pay for in a bid to take advantage of the group savings and, since you’re the “organiser” you could perhaps negotiate to pay an even lower contribution than all the others. Trust me, nobody will complain if it means that they themselves are essentially getting in on the action cheaper in any case.

Go around and ask, ask ask — sometimes pretending to walk away after you’re quoted a “manufactured” price will have you being called back and told that actually you can go for free. It really works, especially if you make it known that you have a travel blog (everybody loves free publicity).

