First Date: What Every Guy Should Know

A first date can seem daunting. If you are a good guy who wants to do right by a woman, from the first date and beyond, then there are some things every guy should know.

Of course, if you’re a good guy, then you probably know the basics, like being on time, opening doors for her, etc.

What we’re going to address in this article goes deeper. As you read on, some items could get your attention. Avoid this attitude: “That’s just the way I am.”

Are you “Handy”?

No, we’re not talking about someone who can fix things around the house. Are you someone who is “touchy-feely” on first dates? By and large, things like embracing and smothering her with your arms is unacceptable. It gives a sexual overtone, not a friendly one. Certainly, for making a memorable first impression, all it needs is to be gentlemanly, smell good (you can use something other than your regular perfume like male pheromones), and have a healthy conversation. Unnecessary physical touch should be avoided at all costs.

Wanna drink?

A couple drinks might be okay, but getting drunk is a dead end street, and it’s unhealthy, whether for first dates or anywhere else.

Okay, it’s natural to be a bit nervous on a first date, but don’t drown the anxiety by having a couple snorts, especially on an empty stomach.

What if she doesn’t drink at all? Show her a little respect. If you can’t manage without a drink, you may have bigger issues than your first date. Be responsible.

Wanna eat soap?

People use profanity to be emphatic. Nonsense There isn’t a single statement in this world that needs to be colored with profanity.

On a first date, profanity can get olds. Extract it from your speech. You might preserve first dates, and other relationships as well.

Wanna shut up?

A first date is an ice breaker, and fun should be the focus. But how much fun will it be for your date if you talk a lot about yourself, your life, people you know…blah, blah, blah.

Conversations should be two-way. Come up for some air. How will you get to know your date if your mouth is stuck in overdrive?

We can guarantee that you will learn a lot more about her from listening, not talking. So allow her to have the floor once in a while.

Be a Gentleman

Being a gentleman encapsulates everything we’ve talked about here, and more. Any guy can dress to impress. But it’s the little things that mean a lot, like opening doors for her and letting her pass first.

Table manners is a big one too. But we’re talking about how you treat the wait staff. If you’re rude, it won’t reflect well on your first date. It may kill the chance of others.

On the subject of rude, don’t behave like your phone is forever-adhered to your hand. A first date is about you and your first date. Turn the phone off.

Also, since we are on the topic of being a gentleman, keep in mind that it’s a good idea to arrive a few minutes early so that your date is not waiting around for you. Additionally, remember to bring a small gift, perhaps a bouquet of flowers, like forever roses (you can find forever roses in the UK at Jednay), tulips, or lilacs. Though it is not a compulsion and you can always go empty hand, that would not be helpful in making a good first impression on your potential partner.


So it is possible to have a super first date without excessive touching, excessive alcohol, profanity, excessive talking or rudeness.

We hope you found this article beneficial, and can use any one or more of these tips.
