Check Out The Best Beer Countries In The World

If you like to travel, and you like beer, then keep your seat warm for a second.  A true beer lover understands that there is not just one sort of beer.  Every beer is not created equal, and similar to wine, beer has a very delicate crafting process that affects its final flavor.  

Becoming a connoisseur of brews takes time and tons of tasting.  You need to cover tons of ground to fully educate your thirst.  Traveling to various cultures and countries is a great way to variate your knowledge of booze.  Check out a few of the best countries for beer lovers around the world.  


The global esteem of Belgian beer has not waned in the least over the past century.  Belgium is the best beer producer in the world.  They have lambic, saison, dubbel, and witbier to prove their long standing techniques and traditions for brewing.  

Just in case you do not have the financial ability to run off to Belgium for a beer tasting journey, there are an array of Belgian brands available for purchase all around the world.  Kwak, Rodenbach, Gulden Draak, and Brasserie Dupont are among the notable Belgian brands.  

United States

If you are an American, there is no need to leave your home country in search of quality brew.  The U.S. comes in second on the list of best beer-brewing countries of the world.  There are plenty who would dispute this rating, but there is no denying the sheer domination of American beers on the global spectrum.  

American brewing styles have also become globally popular among brewers.  Breweries in Europe and Russia have already begun reproducing some of America’s most notable craft brews.  Just be careful sampling all the beer in the U.S., as DUI laws are very unforgiving.   


It is no foreign fact that Germans can hold their alcohol.  Germany ranks in third place for beer consumption per capita in the world.  They also rank in the top five for production of booze.  

Put the numbers aside to understand that it is practically illegal to produce bad beer in Germany.  The laws specifically guard against it.  German laws are in place to preserve the longstanding recipes of many fine brews.


Quebec is one of the areas of Canada that took a piece from the German’s book of brewing, and they produce some internationally acclaimed Belgian-inspired beers.  Unibroue, Dieu du Ciel, and McAuslan are among the most notable brand named beers produced in Quebec.


Italians produce more than just a million different exquisite wines.  They are also really great at producing quality beer.  Italian microbreweries are currently ushering in the age of change for the boot.  Some notable brewers include Ducato, LoverBeer, and del Borgo.
