Actions & Consequences: Facts About Drinking & Driving

Drinking and driving is a well-known cause of thousands of hardships each year.  The dangers of drinking and driving should be very clear, especially if you have ever had a few drinks.  Somehow, the message doesn’t stick or ring true to thousands of drivers each year.

Perspective is important, and it is vital that you never lose perspective on just how damaging drinking and driving can be to your life and the lives of others on the road.  

Here is a brief overview of a few facts about drinking and driving that may help you form a more constructive perspective next time you feel like driving home after a few drinks.  

Here are the statistics

The leading cause of death in the United States for individuals under the age of 24 is motor vehicle accidents.  At least half of those accidents are associated with intoxication behind the wheel.  

With a blood alcohol level as low as 0.02, you are already 1.4 times more likely to have an accident on the road.  Drinking just one beer begins the process of lowering inhibitions.

A driver whose blood alcohol is 0.08 is more than five times more likely to crash, and the numbers just keep increasing as the BAC level increases.  

Ways drinking impairs your ability to drive

There are several ways in which drinking alcohol can impair your ability to drive.  If you are not fully aware of them, here is a short list of some of the effects of drinking and driving.  

  • Slow reaction time – Alcohol reduces your reaction time, so it is more difficult to react quickly if the road ahead is obstructed in any way.  
  • Impaired coordination – After only two or three drinks (the average serving size for most Americans), your coordination could be impaired.  Swaying while standing, or the inability to walk a straight line means you’re not good to drive.
  • Reduced concentration – Driving requires the driver to concentrate on maintaining speed, maintaining their lane, and many other aspects of safety.  Drinking alcohol impairs your ability to multitask your concentration.   
  • Inhibited judgement – After just the first drink, an individual’s judgement is already being swayed towards reckless.  It is much easier to take risks under the influence of alcohol.

Legal repercussions of drinking and driving

In addition to the heightened risk of having an accident, drinking and driving can result in some very inconvenient legal complications.  Getting slapped with a DUI or DWI will put a stain on your driving record that will never go away.

Your very first offense will quickly show you that drinking and driving is not a good decision.  If your conscience doesn’t feel the pressure, let your bank account explain why it’s drained in the aftermath of your first conviction.  
