4 Tips For Enjoying Alcohol Without Getting Drunk

We’ve all been there: we know we have work the next morning but we also really want a glass of wine with our meal. One glass of wine with dinner turns into a bottle, which turns into a raging headache as your alarm goes off. As a result, a lot of people assume they have to quit drinking altogether since they can’t seem to get away with enjoying alcohol without consequences.

However, you don’t have to use alcohol in excess. It’s entirely possible to enjoy drinks at a party or dinner without suffering the consequences the next morning. Even if you want to enjoy a couple drinks out at a bar with friends, maybe with some fake ids here, it’s fine-as long as you know your limits! It’s all about knowing a few tips to keep yourself in check. Here are some of the best tips for enjoying some drinks, without getting wasted.

Avoid Spirits

The math is simple when it comes down to alcohol and how it affects you. When you drink alcohol which has a higher alcohol content, then you’re going to feel the effects much more.

Drinking a beer with 4-6% alcohol percentage on average as opposed to drinking spirits which can be as high as 20% alcohol percentage won’t have the same effects on your body.

Opt for a glass of wine or beer if you’re not planning on getting tipsy.

Alternate Drinks With Water

If you’re planning on staying at an event for several hours where alcohol is present, then you’ll probably want to pace yourself. Since it’s easy to sip whatever is in your hand, you can quickly find yourself starting to get dizzy if you’re always holding alcohol.

Alternate your beverages between water and alcohol. Not only will you consume less alcohol overall, but you’ll stay hydrated. Dehydration is the primary cause of hangovers, so this is an advantage.

Always Eat Before Drinking

If you were to look up what the biggest recipe for disaster is when it comes to alcohol, it would have to be drinking on an empty stomach. When you haven’t adequately fed your stomach, and you start filling it with booze, you’re going to feel your alcohol levels spike levels much faster.

Always eat something substantial before drinking alcohol. You’re much less likely to get drunk if you pace yourself on a full stomach.

Know Your Limits

At the end of the day, it’s important to know your body and trust how you’re feeling. If you start to feel your head spin and your stomach knot, your brain should start to realize you’re reaching your limit.

Knowing when to stop is critical when consuming alcohol. You can set a rule for yourself that the minute you start feeling less than yourself, you should probably pack up and go home.
