4 Things That Happen To Your Body When You’re Drunk

Drinking alcohol is something that many people do as a social activity. It can be enjoyed with meals, amongst friends in a bar, or even enjoyed on something like a wine tour exploring different flavors and scents.

Sometimes, however, things may get out of hand and you can find that a few glasses turn into a bottle or two; the next thing you know is that you have started drinking regularly and started on the journey to alcoholism (which would then require you to consult an expert from rehab centres like Arista Recovery).

However, sometimes, a glass or two (or a bottle or two) might not turn you into an alcoholic. Instead, you might have trouble walking in a straight line. If this happens, you’re in a state of inebriation, also known as getting drunk. You may think of it as harmless fun, however, it’s important to know exactly what it means to be drunk. Here is what you can expect to happen to your body when you’re drunk.

Slowed Down Reaction Time

When your body has high levels of alcohol in it you will find that completing basic actions that normally require no effort at all become much more difficult. As you reaction times are slowed down you may find that you fall easily, and have trouble with hand-eye coordination.

When you’re in this state it’s crucial not to operate any machinery. People who drive drunk are not only putting themselves at risk for hurting themselves but others as well. This is extremely dangerous and reckless behavior which can only end in a fatality but getting in serious problems with the law. You should always order a cab or arrange for a designated driver to handle transportation under these circumstances.

Impaired Judgment

When you find yourself drunk, you may be more inclined to do things which aren’t something you would necessarily agree to if you hadn’t been drinking alcohol. If you’ve ever found yourself at a fast food restaurant after bar hours buying 2 menu meals and a milkshake and wake up with sauce all over yourself, then you may know the feeling.

On the more serious end, you may find yourself putting yourself in dangerous situations which could lead to injury or being taken advantage of.

Slurred Speech

When your body is extremely intoxicated your body isn’t able to keep up with what you want to do with it. Particularly your speech. It can be a struggle just to squeeze out a few words without your tongue getting tied.

If you notice someone’s words are blending together when they try to speak then it’s likely that they have been consuming alcohol.


Alcohol can start to make people very tired as their bodies are trying to metabolize all of the alcohol that you’ve consumed.

This is why some people fall asleep spontaneously when drunk, also known as “passing out.” Even though they enter a deep sleep, they’re actually not sleeping well at all as alcohol impairs your ability to be able to enter REM state.
